Safer Streets Starts With YOU
Many of us have been working on this issue for more than a decade — and some of us more than two decades! So we want to pre-warn you, this isn’t going to be an overnight success story. But we do believe the time is ripe for our collective success — and YOU can be part of it! In fact, we need you.
This isn’t just about one petition, or a website, or a few news stories… This is about creating a movement, showing up, and most importantly, NOT GIVING UP. It’s unfortunate when you need to push and prod your elected officials to do the right thing, but push and prod we must. Because it’s time. So if you’re ready to join us in making positive change for our neighborhoods and local businesses along the 7’s…
Heres’ How:
If you haven’t already signed the petition, go sign it then share it with your friends & neighbors!
Email the Mayor and your Council person directly to tell them why you believe it’s TIME for them to end the rush hour reverse lanes. (Feel free to copy & paste language from this website or the petition and personalize it, or make it your own.) If you need to find out who your Council member is, you can find that info here. And as many of the affected neighborhoods and businesses are in Council District 4, at a recent community meeting our Councilwoman refused to give any comment about her thoughts or position on the dangerous reverse lanes, so you can email Councilwoman Laura Pastor here.
Send us an email if you’re willing to go pass out flyers and cards with a QR code to the petition to the businesses along 7th Street and 7th Avenue.
Send us an email if you can chip in monetarily for printing, stickers, t-shirts, banners, this website and other things we’ll need to keep the momentum going as this is a grassroots effort. Even $5 will help and we can give you several payment options (and will be providing receipts along the way for transparency). Example: one group member spent $100 to have 1000 cards printed to pass out to businesses.
Send us an email if you own a business along the 7’s and wish to publicly support our initiative to end the rush hour reverse lanes.
Sign up below to stay tuned about action items, City of Phoenix public meeting and speaking opportunities and more…
“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”